This library includes resources intended for all District Officers and Committee Chairs, and relevant to current and future Rotary years (or no particular year). By selecting specific District Role categories on the left side of the page, you can reduce the content shown to your specific area of interest. All document types are included — to drill down more precisely, just check the categories of specific interest.
Document Library
2024-25 Governor’s Excellence Award (xlsx)
Submit a draft to your Assistant Governor by May 9, 2025. Submit final copy to District Administrator by May 16, 2025. Use this document to select strategies that support your club goals and as a guide to develop an engaged membership and strong Rotary Club
The Club Excellence awards, formerly the Rotary Citation awards recognize the hard work clubs do throughout the year. Working to achieve the Club Excellence goals helps clubs engage their members, increase their impact, stay relevant in their communities, and run more efficiently. A welcoming and engaging club not only fosters a positive experience for its members, but also reflects the values of Rotary. When clubs achieve these goals, they contribute to the overall health and culture of Rotary for generations to come.
Application Procedures for 2025-26 District Grants (pdf)
Application process for District Grants + Grant Eligibility by Club
District Grants Report Information and Form (doc)
Required final report for District grants. Must be filed no later than March 31 following receipt of the grant
IMPORTANT: Reports must be submitted using the form linked below. Download the form in MS Word, and TYPE the report (no handwritten reports). Retain a copy of the entire report for your records. Further instructions on the form.
Adding New Members to DACdb (pdf)
Info on how to add members to DACdb. Always start in RI when adding new or returning members.
Adding New Members to My Rotary (pdf)
Step by step instructions on how to add a new member to Rotary International/My Rotary.
Club Secretary IT hand off checklist (pdf)
Things club secretaries need to do to transition to new Rotary year
How to Update Club Information in My Rotary (pdf)
Info on how to update/change club information in My Rotary
Rotary Club Health Check (pdf)
Rotary International guide to assessing your club's vitality, vibrancy, relevance and attractiveness to both new and existing members. If you're having trouble either attracting new members or keeping members, this is a recommended process
Zones 33-34 Membership Library (link)
Link to some of the best membership-related resources in Rotary. Tried and proven strategies and recipes for attracting and retaining members.
2024-25 Club Planning Guide (docx)
Due May 16, 2024. Please email to your AG by 5/9/24. Please email to Admin by 5/16/24
Benefactor Form for The Rotary Foundation (pdf)
A Benefactor of The Rotary Foundation is anyone who informs the Foundation in writing that he or she has made provisions in his or her will, or other estate plan, naming the Foundation’s Permanent Fund as a beneficiary; or anyone who makes an outright gift of US$1,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation Permanent Fund. This is a paper form that can be used to inform the Foundation.
District Expense Reimbursement Form – Excel Spreadsheet (xlsx)
Excel spreadsheet to submit with District reimbursement requests
District Expense Reimbursement Form – PDF (pdf)
Paper copy to submit with District reimbursement requests
District Grants Worksheet (docx)
Worksheet for gathering information before submitting your district grant request.
IMPORTANT: This is not the online Grant Application Form and will not be accepted as a grant application.
District Membership Task Force Request (link)
Please let us know if you have an interest in a no-obligation conversation about your club's membership challenges with a D-7750 Task Force Member.
The mission of the D-7750 Membership Tasn Force is to offer guidance and hands-on support in developing a membership plan and implementing an agreed-upon strategy that results in a NET membership gain by June 30, 2025. The Task Force will help clubs understand the meaning and importance of expanding our reach and provide effective methods to achieve this objective.
Membership Event Grant Reimbursement Request (following your event) (link)
Link to membership event grant reimbursement request. To be submitted after your event is over.
Memorial or Tribute Gift to The Rotary Foundation (pdf)
Form that can be used to make a TRF Contribution in honor or memory of another individual
Nomination Form for District Governor for 2026-27 (docx)
Here's the form to nominate someone for DG 2026-27
Rotary Youth Exchange Overview (link)
Overview, brochures and applications for Rotary Youth Exchange
The Rotary Foundation Bequest Society Form (link)
(My Rotary login required) Those who commit to gifts of US$10,000 or more in their estate plan receive membership in the Bequest Society. This is a paper form that can be used to inform The Rotary Foundation of your intention.
2025 Guatemala Trip Info (pdf)
Please contact Johnny Walker - for more information.
5 Things I Wish All Rotarians Knew (and Believed) About Membership (pdf)
5 essential truths about attracting, engaging and retaining members. The keys to a consistently growing Rotary club.
7 Habits of Effective Rotarians (pdf)
Vibrant clubs are driven by effective people. Look at the 7 habits they share.
Club Charter Information (doc)
List of clubs with their club number, charter dates and area number
Club President Personal Ask – An Intentional Membership Strategy (doc)
This is an effective intentional membership strategy for clubs under 25 members, where it's a practical amount of time investment by the President. Or for a larger club carried out over several weeks.
Clubs’ Eligibility for 2025-26 District Grants (pdf)
Shows the maximum dollar amount each club is eligible for 2025-2026 District Grants
Corporate or Family Membership Types (link)
Library of Example documents and Bylaws for establishing Corporate or Family Memberships
D-7750 Membership Summit 2024 Library (link)
A library of all handout material for 2024 D-7750 Membershp Summit. A video recording of the Summit is available at:
D-7750 Training Assembly 2018 (link)
All presentations and handouts from 2018 Training Assemblies -- Secretary Training, Treasurer Training, Advanced DACdb, Public Image/PR. Look for a folder for each area.
D-7750 Web Roadmap (pdf)
Graphic overview of relationships between major online sources of Rotary information. links to, My Rotary, Rotary Club Central and the District and Club Database DACdb).
District 7750 Grant Priorities (pdf)
The priorities the District Grants Committee keeps in mind when deciding which grants to fund. Please make sure you understand what kinds of projects WILL and WON'T be funded before applying for a grant.
District 7750 Policy Manual (pdf)
Policy Manual, last updated 2023
District 7750 The Rotary Foundation Summary – Rainbow Report (pdf)
Most Current TRF numbers
District Grants and The Rotary Foundation (ppt)
The Rotary Foundation and promoting The Rotary Foundation
Early Act First Knight (EAFK) (link)
Sponsored by Rotary, EAFK motivates and teaches elementary and middle-school-aged students to become civil and service-oriented.
How To Become A Paul Harris Fellow (docx)
The Rotary Club of Emerald City gives point for service. Here are some ideas you might use.
How to Propose a New Member (pdf)
RI information about how to introduce Rotary to a prospective member.
Hybrid (Live & Virtual) Rotary Meetings Technical Considerations (link)
It may be some time until all Rotarians are comfortable with attending "in-person" Rotary meetings like we have always had. In the meantime, clubs are considering "hybrid" meetings where some members meet in person and others join virtually via real-time conferencing apps such as Zoom or GoToMeeting. This guide will save you countless hours of research and trial-and-error. Please invest the time to read through it and you'll be halfway to getting your Hybrid Meetings strategy launched.
Hybrid Meetings How-to Guide and Video (link)
Step-by-step, illustrated guide and video for successful, engaging hybrid meetings. There's a lot more to this than setting up a laptop on a table near the podium. You're actually producing 2 meetings in parallel, which takes some planning, preparation, practice and people to execute.
Suggestion: Print the Hybrid Meetings Guide, and take notes on that while you watch the Video.
Interact Handbook (pdf)
A guide for clubs & sponsors -- How to start, lead and strengthen an Interract club
Internal Revenue Service Tax Filing Requirements for Rotary Clubs (pdf)
Information on required tax filing of IRS form 990 by November 15
Membership Growth Reference Sheet (pdf)
A curated list of resources available from multiple sources. If you're looking for anything relating to growing a Rotary club, this is a worthwhile place to have a look at.
Membership Resource Library for Rotary Zones 33-34 (link)
A large library of membership-related collateral and resources
PETS – 2024-25 Binder (link)
Files from the March 15-16 2024 PETS training. Clicking on the link will take you to the DACdb login. Once you login, you'll be able to access the file.
RI Club Treasurer Manual (link)
(My Rotary login required) Roles and Responsibilities of Club Treasuers
Recipe for Successful Rotary Membership Event (pdf)
A successful Rotary Membership Event (Rotary Information Hour, Discover Rotary, etc.) starts with the right framework. This is a "business seminar", rather than a Rotary meeting, social hour, networking event, etc. Think about how you'd organize a new product introduction event for your company's prospects or customers.
Resolving Member Compare Discrepancies in DACdb and My Rotary (pdf)
The Member Compare feature in DACdb will identify mismatches between member data in Rotary International's database (My Rotary - Club Administration) and DACdb, the District and Club Database. This guide helps you identify what's mismatched and how to resolve each possible case.
Rotaract Handbook (pdf)
A guide for clubs & sponsors -- How to start, lead and strengthen a Rotaract club
Rotary Basics (pdf)
Basic Rotary International information.
Rotary Code of Policies (link)
April 2020 Rotary Code of Policies Containing Board Decisions Through January 2020
Rotary International Manual of Procedure (link)
Rotary International Manual of Procedure (My Rotary login required)
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) (link)
Link to Zone 33 Rotary Leadership Institute - for all Rotarians
Rotary License Plates (doc)
The Palmetto Rotary License Plate Program makes available South Carolina vehicle license plates to qualified Rotarians. These license plates identify the owner as a Rotarian. This is a person who is proud to be a Rotarian and willing to show it to the world.
Rotary Youth Exchange Long Term Brochure (pdf)
Brochure on Long Term (1 yr.) Youth Exchange Programs
Rotary Youth Exchange Short Term Brochure (pdf)
Brochure on Youth Exchange short term (<1 yr.) programs
Rotary Youth Protection Guide (docx)
The Rotary Youth Protection Guide is a comprehensive manual to providing a safe and secure environment for all
young people involved in Rotary programs and activities. It includes guidelines for developing, implementing, and
maintaining an effective district youth protection program. The methods described in this guide can be modified to
comply with local laws and should be used in combination with other locally developed training resources.
District governors, district youth protection officers, and all club and district leaders involved in Interact, RYLA, or
Rotary Youth Exchange should review this guide. Districts may also apply these guidelines to other youth activities or
when working with any vulnerable population.
The information in this publication comes in part from the efforts and experiences of Rotary members and reflects
the best practices of Rotary districts. Policy references are to the Rotary Code of Policies. Any decisions made by the
Rotary International Board of Directors take precedence over information in this publication
Satellite Club Examples (link)
A library of organizational material for Satellite Clubs
Secretary Training Handout (doc)
Club Secretary duties and "how to" handout
Setting up Badge Barcoding in DACdb (pdf)
Check-in at meetings is quick and easy when everyone's badge has a barcode on the back. Just scan the barcode into the DACdb Attendance or Engagement module and attendees are automatically found and marked present.
Step Right Up – In Rotary’s Membership Game, Everyone’s a Winner (pdf)
Article from Tom Gump, a former president of the Rotary Club of Edina/Morningside, which makes
boosting membership a priority.
The Rotary Foundation – Terms and Conditions for District and Global Grants (pdf)
Detailed information about what The Rotary Foundation will help fund
The Rotary Foundation’s Share Funding Model Handout (pdf)
A handout with a graphic showing how funds flow from contributions to The Rotary Foundation annual fund to district and global grants
Treasurer Workshop (docx)
Treasurer Responsibilities handout from workshop
Committee Chair Expectations Worksheet (doc)
Worksheet to establish expectations of committee chairs
Intentional Strategies for Membership (pdf)
A worksheet to organize prospect identification, attracting, on-boarding, and retaining members.
Club Membership Profiles (link)
Discover the perils of chronic membership decline and the end game for clubs that drop below 25 members
DACdb Event Registration/Pmail/Reconcile (ppt)
Overview of DACdb features relating to Online Event Registration, including Target Audience, Event setup, Registration setup, Pmail promotion, Register/Regret links and Reconcile of unregistered members.
Delegation, Accountability and Coaching (pptx)
How to effectively delegate, hold accountable and coach
Enhancing Your Club’s Public Image (pptx)
A Hands-on Workshop for Building Membership and Financial Support.
Intentional Strategies (ppt)
Intentional Strategies for attracting and retaining members
Leading Change (pptx)
How to effectively lead change in an organization
Membership Event Sample Presentation (link)
An editable sample presentation to be used during a membership event.
Membership Matters Workshop (ppt)
Membership Workshop from 7750 On-Demand Training
Prospective Member Tracking & Drip Marketing with DACdb (ppt)
How to use DACdb as a tool to track prospective members and to "touch" them electronically on a regular basis, using DACdb PMail tools and DACdb Member Types
Secretary Training (pptx)
Club Secretary duties and "how to"
The Rotary Foundation 101 Presentation (link)
PowerPoint File - The Rotary Foundation 101 - Download and Customize as needed
Treasurer Training (ppt)
Plans and strategies for club treasurers
Club – Recommended Rotary Club Bylaws (link)
RI's recommendation for club bylaws. May be customized.
Club – Standard Rotary Club Constitution (pdf)
This is the standard Rotary Club Constitution to be adopted "as is"
Strengthening Your Membership (pdf)
RI Manual on creating your membership development plan. Intended for club presidents, district membership chairs, and club membership committees, this guide explains the process of creating a membership development plan and provides strategies and tools you can use to attract and engage new members.
Scavenger Hunt (pptx)
New member on-boarding activity that can be customized for your club.
Important Rotary Policies to Understand (pdf)
Directions on taking 3 courses in the Learning Center.
D-7750 Membership Summit 2024 Recording (link)
Recording of the August 24, 2024 Membership Summit in Newberry. There is a Table of Contents at the start of the recording, listing Time Stamps where sections start. If you're looking for a particular section, you can drag the progress bar forward to the section of interest.
Discover Rotary Demonstration Video (link)
Full-length video of a sample Membership Event -- a Rotary Information Hour for potential Rotarians. See how the pieces of an effective Membership Event fit together.
Rotary International YouTube Page (link)
No description provided.
Who Do You Know and Membership Survey (pdf)
Lead generation exercise for a club