Resources & Links
Club List & Makeup Locations
District Projects
RI Resources, Manuals & Links
District Governor
Aiken Sunrise
Welcome to Rotary International’s District 7750. We are delighted you are visiting with us.
If you are a District 7750 Rotarian, we hope you will find our site fun and easy to navigate. It contains a treasure-trove of information about your fellow Rotarians, their Clubs, the District and Rotary International. We are constantly updating the site’s information, so for the latest happenings in our District look on the web site first.
We welcome your comments and suggestions. If you are a visitor, we hope you will find the information about our Club and District activities informative. Our Clubs would like to welcome you as a visitor at their meetings where they can show you the community and international service activities they are undertaking. At our Clubs you will find fellowship, make friendships, have opportunities to network your business, and most of all have FUN!
Check our list of Clubs and their meeting times if you are interested. Or Contact Us if you would like more information about Rotary.
Our District has joined with Rotarians around the world to practice our theme of
Celebrate “The Magic of Rotary”
By “Doing Good in the World”
By leading or participating in a Project
By sponsoring a new Member
By sharing Ideas and Resources to Make Your Club Stronger
By pooling Resources to Make a Larger Impact in Your Community
By donating to our Foundation
By having FUN in everything we do
Rotarians practice high Ethical Standards and the Four-Way Test!