This library includes resources of interest to both participants and clubs sponsoring Interact or Rotaract clubs
Document Library
Interact Handbook (pdf)
A guide for clubs & sponsors -- How to start, lead and strengthen an Interract club
Rotaract Handbook (pdf)
A guide for clubs & sponsors -- How to start, lead and strengthen a Rotaract club
Rotary Youth Protection Guide (docx)
The Rotary Youth Protection Guide is a comprehensive manual to providing a safe and secure environment for all
young people involved in Rotary programs and activities. It includes guidelines for developing, implementing, and
maintaining an effective district youth protection program. The methods described in this guide can be modified to
comply with local laws and should be used in combination with other locally developed training resources.
District governors, district youth protection officers, and all club and district leaders involved in Interact, RYLA, or
Rotary Youth Exchange should review this guide. Districts may also apply these guidelines to other youth activities or
when working with any vulnerable population.
The information in this publication comes in part from the efforts and experiences of Rotary members and reflects
the best practices of Rotary districts. Policy references are to the Rotary Code of Policies. Any decisions made by the
Rotary International Board of Directors take precedence over information in this publication