
All Club Conference

All Club Conferences are held in the spring at different locations from year to year. All Rotarians are encouraged to attend.
Check the District Calendar link below for specifics on date and location, and to register online.

Link to District Calendar for details and online registration (login required)


Pre-PETS is usually in February.  Presidents-elect, and Assistant Governors are required to attend. Participation of President Nominees is strongly encouraged,

Link to District Calendar for details and online registration (login required)

Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)

The purpose of the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is to strengthen your club and strengthen your life. Rotary provides an opportunity for all of us to provide service to our community and throughout the world. (Service Above Self) With that service comes a learning experience in the areas of leadership, team building, planning, marketing, communication and organization. RLI provides an opportunity to enrich that learning through sharing experiences and ideas with other Rotarians throughout the region.
Questions? Email:

District 7750 Rotary Foundation Event

District 7750 Rotary Foundation Events are usually held in the fall.
Check the District Calendar link below for specifics for future date and location, and to register online.

Link to District Calendar for details and online registration (login required)

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

An international program – commonly referred to as RYLA – is sponsored by the clubs in D-7750 each year and always on the Erskine College campus in Due West.

What is RYLA? RYLA was created by Rotary International in 1971 and adopted in D-7750 in 1983. The primary purpose is to provide leadership training and skills to our young people. The objectives are: Fundamentals of Leadership, Ethics of Positive Leadership, Importance of Communication Skills, Problem Solving and Conflict Management, Building Ones Self Confidence and Self Esteem and Service to Ones Community.

In D-7750, over the years, we have tailored our program to the high school rising junior and senior classes. Each year, we register between ninety and one hundred young people who experience the wisdom of several key presenters, share time with one another and find quality time to share their thoughts and concerns. The program, while sponsored by D-7750 clubs, involves members of the teaching staff at the college, as well as speakers from business and community leaders. The program is interactive with attendees participating in workshops after presentationsAs delegate testimony confirms, the experience is very rewarding and beneficial to all who attend. One must always recognize: “Our youth are the future and we must commit to assist in their growth and development.”

Read more at Rotary International

RYLA Forms (coming soon) (after opening the form, click “file”, “save as” to download):

  • RYLA FACT SHEET with specific information regarding this year’s seminar
  • HIGH SCHOOL RECOMMENDATION FORM to aid in the selection process.  Please forward this form to a nearby high school as soon as possible, requesting that it be returned to you prior to April 1.
  • ROTARY CLUB PARTICIPATION FORM to be completed and returned to us by the due date on the form. Please be sure to include the name of an alternate in addition to the name(s) of the delegate(s) you will be sponsoring.  We will then send registration material directly to the delegate(s).