This library includes documents relevant to clubs and hand-picked for club Presidents. By selecting other specific Club Role(s), Year(s) and Document Type(s) on the left side of the page, you can reduce the content shown to your specific area of interest. To drill down more precisely, just check the categories of specific interest.
Alternately, click on SEARCH at the top right of the page and enter search terms such as “Rotary Citation”.
Document Library
District Grants Report Information and Form (doc)
Required final report for District grants. Must be filed no later than March 31 following receipt of the grant
IMPORTANT: Reports must be submitted using the form linked below. Download the form in MS Word, and TYPE the report (no handwritten reports). Retain a copy of the entire report for your records. Further instructions on the form.
How to Update Club Information in My Rotary (pdf)
Info on how to update/change club information in My Rotary
Rotary Club Health Check (pdf)
Rotary International guide to assessing your club's vitality, vibrancy, relevance and attractiveness to both new and existing members. If you're having trouble either attracting new members or keeping members, this is a recommended process
District Grants Worksheet (docx)
Worksheet for gathering information before submitting your district grant request.
IMPORTANT: This is not the online Grant Application Form and will not be accepted as a grant application.
Memorial or Tribute Gift to The Rotary Foundation (pdf)
Form that can be used to make a TRF Contribution in honor or memory of another individual
5 Things I Wish All Rotarians Knew (and Believed) About Membership (pdf)
5 essential truths about attracting, engaging and retaining members. The keys to a consistently growing Rotary club.
7 Habits of Effective Rotarians (pdf)
Vibrant clubs are driven by effective people. Look at the 7 habits they share.
Club Charter Information (doc)
List of clubs with their club number, charter dates and area number
Club President Personal Ask – An Intentional Membership Strategy (doc)
This is an effective intentional membership strategy for clubs under 25 members, where it's a practical amount of time investment by the President. Or for a larger club carried out over several weeks.
D-7750 Training Assembly 2018 (link)
All presentations and handouts from 2018 Training Assemblies -- Secretary Training, Treasurer Training, Advanced DACdb, Public Image/PR. Look for a folder for each area.
D-7750 Web Roadmap (pdf)
Graphic overview of relationships between major online sources of Rotary information. links to, My Rotary, Rotary Club Central and the District and Club Database DACdb).
District 7750 Grant Priorities (pdf)
The priorities the District Grants Committee keeps in mind when deciding which grants to fund. Please make sure you understand what kinds of projects WILL and WON'T be funded before applying for a grant.
District 7750 Policy Manual (pdf)
Policy Manual, last updated 2023
District 7750 The Rotary Foundation Summary – Rainbow Report (pdf)
Most Current TRF numbers
Hybrid (Live & Virtual) Rotary Meetings Technical Considerations (link)
It may be some time until all Rotarians are comfortable with attending "in-person" Rotary meetings like we have always had. In the meantime, clubs are considering "hybrid" meetings where some members meet in person and others join virtually via real-time conferencing apps such as Zoom or GoToMeeting. This guide will save you countless hours of research and trial-and-error. Please invest the time to read through it and you'll be halfway to getting your Hybrid Meetings strategy launched.
Hybrid Meetings How-to Guide and Video (link)
Step-by-step, illustrated guide and video for successful, engaging hybrid meetings. There's a lot more to this than setting up a laptop on a table near the podium. You're actually producing 2 meetings in parallel, which takes some planning, preparation, practice and people to execute.
Suggestion: Print the Hybrid Meetings Guide, and take notes on that while you watch the Video.
Internal Revenue Service Tax Filing Requirements for Rotary Clubs (pdf)
Information on required tax filing of IRS form 990 by November 15
Membership Growth Reference Sheet (pdf)
A curated list of resources available from multiple sources. If you're looking for anything relating to growing a Rotary club, this is a worthwhile place to have a look at.
Membership Resource Library for Rotary Zones 33-34 (link)
A large library of membership-related collateral and resources
Rotary Basics (pdf)
Basic Rotary International information.
Rotary Code of Policies (link)
April 2020 Rotary Code of Policies Containing Board Decisions Through January 2020
Rotary International Manual of Procedure (link)
Rotary International Manual of Procedure (My Rotary login required)
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) (link)
Link to Zone 33 Rotary Leadership Institute - for all Rotarians
Rotary License Plates (doc)
The Palmetto Rotary License Plate Program makes available South Carolina vehicle license plates to qualified Rotarians. These license plates identify the owner as a Rotarian. This is a person who is proud to be a Rotarian and willing to show it to the world.
Satellite Club Examples (link)
A library of organizational material for Satellite Clubs
Step Right Up – In Rotary’s Membership Game, Everyone’s a Winner (pdf)
Article from Tom Gump, a former president of the Rotary Club of Edina/Morningside, which makes
boosting membership a priority.
The Rotary Foundation – Terms and Conditions for District and Global Grants (pdf)
Detailed information about what The Rotary Foundation will help fund
Committee Chair Expectations Worksheet (doc)
Worksheet to establish expectations of committee chairs
Club Membership Profiles (link)
Discover the perils of chronic membership decline and the end game for clubs that drop below 25 members
DACdb Event Registration/Pmail/Reconcile (ppt)
Overview of DACdb features relating to Online Event Registration, including Target Audience, Event setup, Registration setup, Pmail promotion, Register/Regret links and Reconcile of unregistered members.
Delegation, Accountability and Coaching (pptx)
How to effectively delegate, hold accountable and coach
Leading Change (pptx)
How to effectively lead change in an organization
Club – Recommended Rotary Club Bylaws (link)
RI's recommendation for club bylaws. May be customized.
Club – Standard Rotary Club Constitution (pdf)
This is the standard Rotary Club Constitution to be adopted "as is"
Important Rotary Policies to Understand (pdf)
Directions on taking 3 courses in the Learning Center.
Discover Rotary Demonstration Video (link)
Full-length video of a sample Membership Event -- a Rotary Information Hour for potential Rotarians. See how the pieces of an effective Membership Event fit together.
Rotary International YouTube Page (link)
No description provided.