Info on how to update/change club information in My Rotary
Info on how to add members to DACdb. Always start in RI when adding new or returning members.
Handouts for secretaries presented at training in Newberry on August 5, 2023
Directions on taking 3 courses in the Learning Center.
All presentations and handouts from 2018 Training Assemblies -- Secretary Training, Treasurer Training, Advanced DACdb, Public Image/PR. Look for a folder for each area.
Check-in at meetings is quick and easy when everyone's badge has a barcode on the back. Just scan the barcode into the DACdb Attendance or Engagement module and attendees are automatically found and marked present.
The Member Compare feature in DACdb will identify mismatches between member data in Rotary International's database (My Rotary - Club Administration) and DACdb, the District and Club Database. This guide helps you identify what's mismatched and how to resolve each possible case.