A library of all handout material for 2024 D-7750 Membershp Summit. A video recording of the Summit is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx1QM5gXK3o
Recording of the August 24, 2024 Membership Summit in Newberry. There is a Table of Contents at the start of the recording, listing Time Stamps where sections start. If you're looking for a particular section, you can drag the progress bar forward to the section of interest.
Please let us know if you have an interest in a no-obligation conversation about your club's membership challenges with a D-7750 Task Force Member. The mission of the D-7750 Membership Tasn Force is to offer guidance and hands-on support in developing a membership plan and implementing an agreed-upon strategy that results in a NET membership gain by June 30, 2025. The Task Force will help clubs understand the meaning and importance of expanding our reach and provide effective methods to achieve this objective.
A curated list of resources available from multiple sources. If you're looking for anything relating to growing a Rotary club, this is a worthwhile place to have a look at.
Info on how to add members to DACdb. Always start in RI when adding new or returning members.
Handouts from the Membership Summit held in Newberry on August 5, 2023
Membership Graph for all clubs - July 1, 2004 through July 1, 2021
Membership Graph for all clubs - July 1, 2004 through July 1, 2020
Link to some of the best membership-related resources in Rotary. Tried and proven strategies and recipes for attracting and retaining members.
Article from Tom Gump, a former president of the Rotary Club of Edina/Morningside, which makes boosting membership a priority.