Info on how to update/change club information in My Rotary
The Rotary Youth Protection Guide is a comprehensive manual to providing a safe and secure environment for all young people involved in Rotary programs and activities. It includes guidelines for developing, implementing, and maintaining an effective district youth protection program. The methods described in this guide can be modified to comply with...
A guide for clubs & sponsors -- How to start, lead and strengthen an Interract club
A guide for clubs & sponsors -- How to start, lead and strengthen a Rotaract club
RI's recommendation for club bylaws. May be customized.
RI Manual on creating your membership development plan. Intended for club presidents, district membership chairs, and club membership committees, this guide explains the process of creating a membership development plan and provides strategies and tools you can use to attract and engage new members.
Detailed information about what The Rotary Foundation will help fund
This is the standard Rotary Club Constitution to be adopted "as is"
(My Rotary log in required) This is the 2016 edition of Lead Your District: Committee Chair. It is designed to be used by district committee chairs holding office in 2017-18, 2018-19, or 2019-20. The information it contains is based on Rotary’s constitution and policy documents. Please refer to them...