Please contact Johnny Walker - for more information.
Shows the maximum dollar amount each club is eligible for 2025-2026 District Grants
A library of all handout material for 2024 D-7750 Membershp Summit. A video recording of the Summit is available at:
A curated list of resources available from multiple sources. If you're looking for anything relating to growing a Rotary club, this is a worthwhile place to have a look at.
Files from the March 15-16 2024 PETS training. Clicking on the link will take you to the DACdb login. Once you login, you'll be able to access the file.
To see the 2023 PrePETS binder please click on the link below. You will have to log into DACdb.
Info on how to update/change club information in My Rotary
Info on how to add members to DACdb. Always start in RI when adding new or returning members.
Handouts for secretaries presented at training in Newberry on August 5, 2023